Inbox Agents Settings are used to define an agent's work preferences and behavior within the system. Here's a breakdown of the available options:
Timezone for Working Hours
The default timezone for working hours is set to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
Working days
Working Days and Hours settings allow you to define your availability to respond to customer inquiries. Here's how to set your working days and hours:
- Working Days
You can specify the days you are available to respond to customer inquiries. By default, no working days are specified which means that you are available throughout the weekend. Select the boxes next to the days you are available.
- Working Hours
Click the dropdown menu to select the starting and ending hours for each working day. Choose the hours during which you will be actively responding to customer inquiries.
Advanced settings
- Timezone for Working Hours
You can change your working hours timezone from UTC to a preferred time zone.
- Force Two-Factor Authentication
This option allows you to enable two-factor authentication as an additional security measure when team members try to log in to their accounts.
- Auto Assign Conversations
Determines whether incoming conversations are automatically assigned to available agents (Priotrizing agents with fewer conversations). Learn more here.
- Agent Workload Capacity
This option allows you to define the number of active conversations an agent can handle simultaneously. Learn more here.
- Service Level Agreement (SLA)
You can create an SLA that provides a framework for measuring agent response times and performance.
- First Time Response from Agent: Target time for the first response from an agent.
- Resolution Time: Target time for resolution of customer inquiries.
- SLA Within Working Hours: Apply SLA within working hours defined in the working days and hours settings.
Create team
Click this button to create a team of agents.
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